Infused Moods

The one about...everything is STEM!

Season 2 Episode 12

I sat down with my friend Lee who I graduated MENG with to discuss his STEM initiative, how STEM is in his life and what he's been up to. Interviews are never traditional here so we then dipped into music, shows and other convo pieces. 

While sipping on Sparkling Ice and  Water we infused with All Eyes on Me by Earthgang and Cash in Cashout by Pharell feat 21 Savage and Tyler the Creator. 

I really enjoyed listening to Lees spin on life, his philosophies and on STEM and he schooled me in helping me understand how he sees everyone being in STEM, already utilizing STEM and wanting to bring STEM to everyone in his community. Helping the very school he attended to have access to resources to engage in manufacturing, 3D printing etc is inspiring. Oftentimes we look for ways to make an impact when all we need to do is start or help others and their initiatives. Lee sees STEM as a beacon for all and I agree. 

We all are Engineers in some way, it may not be in the traditional sense, but we all are engaging in STEM daily. Like Lee said, don't sell yourself short! 

How have you been taking on engineering in your daily life? What have you engineered up lately? 

 If you want to help further this mindset, for his community or yours, please reach out. Lee is looking for others to join the movement and I will definitely be lending a hand! If you have experience to help teach the youth, let me know so you can help out Lee with your time. Continue to engineer and believe in/support your community. I wholeheartedly believe community is the key to everything!

I would also like to dedicate this cast to Lee and his family for personal reasons and express my gratitude for him sitting down with me. 

Until next time,

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