Infused Moods

The one gotta put you first

Season 2 Episode 16

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Today we sit down and catch up (us, me, we, listener, host) on my time away. This is a very unedited post because it is what it is. We will get back to our squeaky way later.

 Uncut with love! 

While sipping on Tevana Peach tea I explain how you/me/we need to put ourselves first. 

FYI: It's almost 2023, don't let the time pass you by or let anyone play in your face!

I missed yall and I'm back to close us out =)

And to be super lame, turn your swag on as the first rapper to do everything said =)

Until next time,

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Youtube: Multifaceted Melanin
Instagram: @infusedmoods_cast
GoodPods: Infused Moods