Infused Moods
Your host Imani and guest features infuse their drinks with their music mood during each conversation. We are here to have friendly chats and discussions on a variety of topics.
Infused Moods
Sometimes...we look at the top samples in pop
Season 3
Episode 10
Keeping it short and sweet with a bit of homework for you!
Today I try Ollie Pop's Coca cola and infuse it with Timablands The Way I Are which features Keri Hilson and Justin Timberlake.
Then we dive into 11 pop songs with notable samples and I then list off songs I want you to catch and see if you can guess the samples or listen for them!
Enjoy =)
Until next time,
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Youtube: Multifaceted Melanin
Instagram: @infusedmoods_cast
GoodPods: Infused Moods